Monday, November 3, 2008
Big Boy Bed
With the arrival of Jaycie just weeks away, we decided we better get a head start on the oh so terrifying transition to a big boy bed. So Halloween night we went for it. I bought him rails, a new Cars blanket and pillow and talked all day about how he was so lucky because he gets to sleep in a big bed like mommy and daddy. We took down his crib and gave it to the baby (we moved it to her room) and said goodbye. He was actually really excited.

The first night wasn't so bad. He cried pretty hard and came out of the room once. But then I laid down with him till he was sleepy and he slept the night with no problems. Next day, the same thing happened during nap time. He cried, got down once, then fell asleep when I laid down with him. Last night he didn't cry, didn't get down, and I didn't have to lay with him. But naptime is a different story. He's not so sleepy, it's not pitch dark, and he will get down a million times unless I pin him down and lay there until he falls asleep. It was a huge battle today and takes me and him about an hour before he will finally sleep. So...I need advice. Plenty of you have been through this before so load me up with good tips and tricks. I refuse to give up and just let him skip naptime...but I don't want to lay with him until he falls asleep either. HELP!!!!
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I didn't do this because Shea was really good about bed, but I've been thinking about it lately since he gets up now. Anyway, make a nap and bedtime chart and put stickers (or give poker chips or something) on it every time he stays in his big boy bed. Show him what he gets to earn when he has (10 or whatever) stickers or chips and let him earn away by staying in bed! Let me know how it goes and good luck!!!
Ben just started jumping out of his crib two weeks ago. The day that happened we dismantled the crib and threw our extra queen mattress on the floor. I was so not prepared to transition to a big boy bed just yet. Bed time goes pretty smoothly but nap time can be a pain in the, well you know what. I have a door knob lock and but up a baby gate in the little hallway that leads to his door. I just started the gate thing today because about 50% of the time he would fall asleep from crying or should I say screaming at the door. Well he would fall asleep smooshed right against it making it difficult to sneak in and put him back in bed, hence the reason for the gate. Today he feel asleep on the floor by the gate. I just go up there and put him back in his bed since he will sleep longer like that. Each day is new and I can only hope it gets easier. Hey but at least you are not sleep training and potty training at the same time [like me]! Good luck! Oh and I hope that all made sense.
I know that we have talked it to death but just remember that even though it seems like it is not going well, he is understand what is going on. Just when you stop thinking about how terrible it has been you'll notice that it worked out ok. It will get better it just takes time. Be patient.
I hear you, I have been through it twice with two more times in the future. With Abbie I slowly went from laying by her bed to farther and farther away each day until i was out the door.. sounds silly but it worked. Izza was a lot harder, she would come out 30-50times, so I tried having her scream by the door while holding the knob.... didnt work. eventually(a couple of weeks) she got use to the idea of being in a new big bed and now she is great at naps. It may just take him time to get use to the new bed, you might have to adjust nap time and make it a little later in the day so he is more tired(that worked for Iz). Good Luck... kids are a guessing game every step of the way!! :)
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