Haha...did I freak everyone out with that title? This is not a dirty post. I am completely amazed that kids are born with preferences to toys according to their sex. At least mine are. With Devin I always assumed he loved balls and any vehicle on wheels because that is simply what we chose to buy for him. But then I remember that he had approximately 15 stuffed monkeys in his room and there were repeated attempts to get him interested in them. But no. Nothing. Then Jaycie came along and she has a clear preference to everything girly. She loves books and will walk around with a doll or stuffed animal snuggled against her face for 75% of the day. Sure she likes to play with the occasional ball or car, but her love is for her dolls. Is it genetic?
Devin's preference: anything with wheels, but mainly airplanes. I know...slightly OCD with the line thing.
Then there's Jaycie. 100% girl. How does that happen?
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Tag Your It
This is the tenth photo on my computer (see below) and it's not very exciting. We went to the park one day in our neighborhood and Devin runs off as usual. I'm messing with Jaycie so it's probably a good five or ten minutes before I realize he is talking to someone. So I look up and don't see anyone. Then I see this horse in his hands and found his new friend. He was talking to the horse. A horse I've never seen before. A horse that was laying in the mud probably overnight. Gross. I told him that wasn't ours, it was dirty, and to get rid of it. So he puts it up on the fence, yells "see ya later", and throws it from the top of the playground to it's immediate and most likely painful death. Sorry Friend.
Tag your it.
Here's what you do:
Go to your picture file and open the first folder and pick out the tenth photo. If your folder doesn't have ten pictures in it, because the first one I opened did not, then open the second one.
Write about that photo and tag some friends.
Have Fun!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Attempt at Family Portraits
We made an attempt to get some family photos the other day. I stressed about it for days and then tried not to get disheartened when Devin wouldn't cooperate and Jaycie had had enough. But somehow, probably due to Madison's skills, my sneak peek turned out ok.
(Photos taken by Madison Eppley)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Let the Sleepovers Begin
This was actually Devin's second sleepover with Cole and it wasn't technically a sleepover because Cole disappeared on Devin in the middle of the night, but it was a lot of fun. They played for a while with marble trails, cars, blocks, and trains. I love to just sit and listen to them interact with each other. They actually talk about things and swap toys and propose changes in activities. I can't believe how old they are getting. It didn't take long for them to request a movie and popcorn. That seems to be their thing.
Once the popcorn was gone and they played some more, it was time to cuddle. It was tastefully done, no tootsies, just manly bonding.

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Devin has become our little comedian lately. He loves to be silly and his goal is always to make people laugh. In other words, he is Jamin reincarnated. His #1 tool...his faces. He has thousands. Here are a few from dinner the other night:
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