Sunday, January 10, 2010

Let the Sleepovers Begin

This was actually Devin's second sleepover with Cole and it wasn't technically a sleepover because Cole disappeared on Devin in the middle of the night, but it was a lot of fun. They played for a while with marble trails, cars, blocks, and trains. I love to just sit and listen to them interact with each other. They actually talk about things and swap toys and propose changes in activities. I can't believe how old they are getting. It didn't take long for them to request a movie and popcorn. That seems to be their thing.

Once the popcorn was gone and they played some more, it was time to cuddle. It was tastefully done, no tootsies, just manly bonding.

Then of course, just before bedtime, Cole started growling like crazy. A serious wrestling match ensued and I'm glad to announce there were no broken bones this time.

Following a short reading of Peter Pan, they finally crawled into Devin's bunk beds and went to sleep (after giggling for 20 minutes and a threat of separation). Cole really is Devin's best friend. He was so sad to wake up and find Cole missing. Maybe next time we'll get to keep him until morning!


Amanda said...

They are just so so cute. I love the pictures, and am so glad it went well! Next time it will have to be at our house. You better plan a date, or something!

Amanda said...

OH, and Devin is definitely Cole's BFF. Forever. I just know it.

Amy said...

I love it! They are so cute together. And how awesome to have such a great friend at such a young age.